Thursday, September 30, 2010

第四十二課 Chapitre42

phew~~ yatta~!!shiken mou owatta~~ --> that's what i suppose to say but it turned out the other way~~ sigh, didn't do well in the last paper~~

anyway, i hope the result are much better than i ever imagine..

well, during the semester break, i got nothing much to do.. hmm~~ guess going online then.. still have to go to the nearby CC to online though.. why???
coz my broadband is not fast enough to even get me log in into fb~~ lol.. that's the truth~~ haha :3

anyway its already 6 days of semester break~~ harr~~~

anyway, life is just the same as always in Segamat..
i'm dead bored...huhu

got no one at home~~ but yeay, i get the chance to drive the car so that i'm able to go to CC.. haha, lucky me~~

btw, the CC's the best...
i get to download at the fastest speed.. and for the record, for 1 files the speed almost 500kb/sec..
well, isn't that nice~~

looks like i have to buy new hardisk then..
sigh... money going out of my pocket then~~ :P

oh, its raining now~~ and the speed~~`
man, it's slowing ~~ sigh*

and ya, mom been asking when will i buy my new phone..
err, still considering lor..
this and that, not to advance...
too old school..

that's all for this post i guess~~
pretty much boring stuff huh?
oh, well~~
mata ne~~

Monday, September 6, 2010

第四十一課 Chapitre41

Akhirnya aku selamat sampai di Segamat( Sabtu lepas)
aku brsama-sama Kak Aisyah menuju ke destinasi sama..~~ lol
turun2 je dri bas aku, tup tap, Kak Aisyah hilang!!

Aih, teknik ninja apa lak Kak Aisyah pakai ni??
Akak kne ajar saya pasni, lol~~ :P

anyway, bru aku tau, aku time turun trus g side kanan, so mmg X prasan la dia~~haha
dah aku jln straight je Kak Aisyah pun trus naik bas len balik ke Labis(klau X silap aku la)

pas ambil aku kat stesen bas, kitorang pergi teman mak cri bunga orkid..
ada la dlm 5 pokok mak beli
mak kata kat segamat X bnyk sgt bunga orkid cam kat Kluang so tu yg mak beli~~
alang2 sekali dgn raya punya pasal

anyway, X bnyk yg berlaku kat rumah~~ cam biasa la~~
tp semalam (ahad) kete Myvi wat hal lagi~~
tayar pancit lagi~~
alamak jalan masuk Felda Pemanis still teruk~~
tu la pasal boleh lak pancit~~
side tayar yg sama lak tu~~
buat sementara waaktu pakai la tayar spare~~
aku tlg gantikan~~
at least aku blajar sikit2 pasal kereta~~

arini lak , dlm pkl 9 lebih aku tlg sikit2 kat laman depan..
aku spray kan air baja kat pokok2 yg mak tanam~~
time pas abis spray, tergerak lak hati aku nak cuci kereta yg satu lagi tu~~
haish, kotor sgt~~
semangat mula2~~
payah gak nak basuh kereta ni~~
bru aku tau penat~~
1 more experience that i gain today

ptg td, abah g bandar , tampal tayar yg pecah tu~~
mak kata klau semua hari ni ok, perangai baik bru g buka puasa kat luar~~
hmm, harap2 jd la~~

anyway, puasa tggal dlm 3 hari lagi~~ sekejapnya aku rasa Ramadhan tahun nie~~
Ya Allah, harap2 aku sempat jumpa Ramadhan yg akan datang~~

aku still dlm dilemma nak ganti telefon baru~~
argh apa yg sesuai???
bapak X best~~
nape la Docomo X jual telefon kat sini
dpt la gak bli Sharp ke, NEC ke~~ hmm~~
tggu masa je la~~

Saturday, September 4, 2010

第四十課 Chapitre40

Last night me and few colleagues break our fast in an Arabic restaurant named Half Moon.
we ate Briyani rice specially made by original ingredient(I think,lol) :P
We had so much fun eating together~~

anyway, I'm going back home today~~
yeah~~ finally I got the chance to go back home~~
I'll be taking the 11am bus to Segamat~~ yeow~~

Nothing much to say act.
Still packing up few more things~~
Guys be careful on the way back home~~


those who couldn't go back home , do enjoy the holiday too, OK??
Andi Rosnita~~ :P